The other ( complementary or antisense) strand always has a sequence that matches the first strand, with each C complemented by a g, and each a by a T, and vice versa. 另一条链(互补链或反义链)的序列总是与第一条链相匹配,即c与g,a与t,反过来也一样。
Without specific base pairing, the replication enzymes cannot specify a complementary strand, and gaps are left after the passing of a replication fork. 失去特定的碱基互补配对,复制酶系就不能合成模板链的互补链,而是在经过复制叉后留下一个裂口。
In the viral genome, two major open reading frames ( ORF1 and ORF2) in the plus strand and one minor ORF ( ORF3) in the complementary strand were identified. VD2基因组正链含有2个大的开放阅读框,负链含有1个小的开放阅读框。
The frequencies of four bases in coding regions almost equal to those in complementary strand. 四种碱基在产DNA双链编码区之间的使用频率相等。
This gene fragment is not neither in cap gene nor in rep gene, but located in the complementary strand of rep gene, and it will be studied further more. 此基因片段既不在Rep基因也不在CaP基因内,而是位于Rep基因互补链上的一段基因序列,其功能还需进一步研究。
Each amino acid distribution is similar to complementary strand. Alkaline-soluble protein extracts had the least sugar content. While ethanol-soluble protein extracts had different amino acid distribution from the other three protein extracts. 碱溶性蛋白提取物具有最少的糖含量,而醇溶性蛋白提取物具有与其它3种提取物不同的氨基酸组成。
The DNA double-strand in the biological system is complementary, in which a single strand contains all the genetic information. 生物体系中的DNA双链是互补的,其中单链上包含了有关的全部遗传信息,考察DNA双链结构中的电子转移行为可从研究其单链上的电子传递入手。